User Documentation#
- User Documentation
- User accounts, emails, grid-certs, CMS VO membership etc.
- CMSSW, CRAB, Condor, running analysis jobs etc.
- Data file xfer, Rucio, Local Storage, etc.
- Got Questions ?
- CMS Physics Analysis at UW-HEP
- Request datasets for Wisconsin via Rucio
User accounts, emails, grid-certs, CMS VO membership etc.#
- Getting an user Account
- Requesting grid certificate
- Getting CMS VO Membership
- Getting Kerberos tickets for FNAL
CMSSW, CRAB, Condor, running analysis jobs etc.#
- Info and tutorials on GitHub, Linux, ML, Python, ROOT, and statistics
- Connect to the HEP cluster
- Submit CMSSW jobs using Condor (to local cluster)
- Submit CMSSW jobs via CRAB (grid)
- CMS Physics Analysis at UW-HEP (guide for local users)
- Jobs using too much memory
- Tutorial on GPU profiling CUDA kernels using NSight Compute
Data file xfer, Rucio, Local Storage, etc.#
Got Questions ?#
CMS Physics Analysis at UW-HEP#
- Get a Account on Wisconsin computers
- Register with CERN starting from the “New Member Registration Form” (or pre-registration form) The email you get after sending in the above form will ask for a fax or scanned email of the new member’s passport.
Follow the advice by completing the registration form sent to you and instructions to contact to setup a computer account. The form asks for your interests and activity details, among other basic information. You should receive the following instructions:#
- To open a Computer Account in CMS (group ZH)
- Send an e-mail to with all the following
information about yourself:
- Full family name
- First name
- Birth date (day-month-year)
- For those returning to CERN, your CERN id number if already known - your previous login name (if any, however old)
- Preferred login name (min 3, max 8 characters)
Register with the CMS Virtual Organization (requires CERN registration to be completed)#
CMSSW Offline Analysis WorkBook (some work can be done after getting account but grid certificate is needed for using storage services)#
- Command Cheat Sheet
- Analysis using CMS Software
- Local access to UW-Madison Tier-2 Resources.
- Condor is also available for users submitting jobs directly on Wisconsin Tier-2 machines.
Request datasets for Wisconsin via Rucio#
Instructions for Rucio are on the CMS Rucio twiki page.#
It is rare to need a dataset resident on the Wisconsin cluster. Thanks to the AAA/XRootD service, datasets across the CMS grid are accessible to jobs running at Wisconsin. Almost the only time to request a dataset is when it is not on disk anywhere. Before requesting a dataset, be sure to check DAS to find out the status and locations of the dataset. If the dataset is not currently available on disk somewhere, then you can follow the Rucio instructions above to create a rule (subscription) for that dataset at Wisconsin.#