Host Certificates#
Hosts which run grid services (such as CEs, SEs, gridftp servers) need
to have an X509 grid certificate in /etc/grid-security
. Some
services just use the host certificate
. Some use a copy of the host
certificate in a subdirectory of /etc/grid-security
(to make it
readable by that service). Some may use a separate service
certificate in a subdirectory.#
Puppet installs certificates from /etc/puppet/modules/certs/files
Creating Host Certificates#
To create a host certificate, you must first be authorized as a CMS (or
GLOW) VO GridAdmin in the OSG Registration Authority. To get authorized, login [here]
and click Request for GridAdmin Enrollment
osg-gridadmin-cert-request -H -v CMS
osg-gridadmin-cert-request -H -v GLOW
For a group of systems, the -f option can be used to specify a file containing a list of hosts.#
This command will create two files for each certificate, a private key
and a public key. Move these files into
using destination filenames that
match the naming scheme used for existing cases. Do not leave copies
of the private keys lying around in public AFS directories.#
Running puppeteer hostname
will push the new certificate to the
host. Some services need to be restarted after the certificate is
Checking Host Certificate Expiration#
Icinga checks for expiring certificates. To see expired certificates,
go to and click on Unhandled problems
under Critical Services and look for Certificate expiration
in the
Service column.#
To see certificates that are in danger of expiring, click on N Warning
under Services, sort the Services column and look for Certificate
in a Warning state.#
To manually examine a certificate, including its expiration time, the following command can be used#
openssl x509 -text -noout -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem