Submitting Jobs#

Submitting ROOT Jobs at Wisconsin#

To submit a generic ROOT script job to the grid:#

# Get your grid proxy to last for a while
voms-proxy-init -valid 100:00 -voms cms

# Go to where your script is
cd to/your/directory/

# Submit it to the grid
farmoutAnalysisJobs --fwklite <jobName> <CMSSW Path> filename.C

Results end up in your user directory in dCache: /pnfs/…#

You may check your jobs at the user job monitor.#

Submitting CMSSW Jobs at Wisconsin#

farmoutAnalysisJobs --input-dbs-path=/PhotonJetPt15/Summer08_IDEAL_V12_redigi_v1/GEN-SIM-RECO --input-files-per-job=5 PhotonJetPt15_Summer08_IDEAL ~/CMSSW_2_2_11/ ~/CMSSW_2_2_11/src/RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/test/

Monitoring Jobs#

Jobs appear at the Job Monitoring page.#

To see jobs at the command line#

ssh yourlogin@machineYouSubmittedFrom (like login03)
condor_q yourlogin

# Example
condor_q grogg

-- Submitter: : <> :
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
46469.1118 grogg           6/10 11:18   4+20:50:14 R  0   1220.7 pfpat229
46469.1275 grogg           6/10 11:18   4+19:31:38 R  0   1220.7 pfpat229
46469.1399 grogg           6/10 11:18   4+11:22:46 R  0   1220.7 pfpat229

Debugging Jobs#

To see all info about a specific job#

condor_q -l idnumber

# Example
condor_q -l 46469.1118

-- Submitter: : <> :
MyType = "Job"
TargetType = "Machine"
ClusterId = 46469
QDate = 1244650680
CompletionDate = 0
Owner = "grogg"
LocalUserCpu = 0.000000

To see why a job is on hold#

condor_q -l 46469.1118 | grep "Hold"

that may return clues.#