Data Management#
DataSets available at Wisconsin#
Get the List (details) from Global DBS, (text only) (size sort)#
Get the List (name and size) from PhEDEx#
Check Data Subscriptions Status in PhEDEx#
Group : EWK QCD B-Tagging Trigger Forward Local DataOps FacOps AnalysisOps Undefined#
PhEDEx Requests for Wisconsin#
DataSet usage @Wisconsin#
The list of datasets available and used at Wisconsin in the past 28 days by users can be found here.#
NOTE : Please check the list and contact the respective users before deleting any datasets from the dCache.#
T2 and Analysis Group Info#
- T2 Associations to Analysis Groups
- T2 Connectivity status
Datasets available at Fermilab#
List (details) from Global DBS#