Release/Programming Notes for RMC 3.0 1. Files: rackmon3p0.hex - Flash program file for RMC 3.0 rackmon3p0.eep - EEPROM programming file for RMC 3.0 2. Checksum params. Checksum parameters in the EEPROM file are the default values used in all prior releases of RMC firmware. Specifically: seed = 408a32ec map = 23 11 18 19 7 29 4 9 xseed = 953ac32d xmap = 5 17 31 22 19 10 27 21 After programming, the checksum params should be updated to the rack specific values using "wr param ..." commands. 3. Programming the RMC using the AVRISP programmer and AVR Studio --connect the AVRISP to the PC before connecting it to an RMC card. Make sure the RMC is powered off when plugging/unplugging the AVRISP connector a. Fuses After connecting to the RMC in AVR Studio via the AVRISP, select the Fuses tab on the connection window. The following fuses should be set (checked): - JTAG enabled - Boot Flash Sector Size = 4096 - Brown out detection at VCC=4.0 - Ext. Crystal/Resonator High Freq; Start-up time: 1K CK + 4m (scroll down to see this option 5th from bottom) Check/uncheck fuse boxes as necessary, and click Program & Verify to apply the fuse settings and verify that they were correctly set. b. Flash > Select the "Program" tab in the connection window. > Make sure the 'Erase Device before Programming' and 'Verify Device After Programming' boxes are checked. > In the Flash section, browse to select the file rackmon3p0.hex (whereever stored on the PC) as the flash source file. > Click the Flash Program button. File should be programmed into RMC flash and then verified. c. EEPROM > In the EEPROM section of the same window, browse to select the file rackmon3p0.eep as the EEPROM source file. > Click the EEPROM Program button. File should be programmed into RMC EEPROM and then verified. --close the Connect window, power off the RMC, and move the AVRISP device to the next RMC card!