DIS 2005 XIII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, April 27-May 1, 2005, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Scientific Program

The physics topics of the workshop will include the following subjects: Structure Functions and Low-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons Electroweak and Beyond the Standard Model, Hadronic Final States, Heavy Flavors, and Spin Physics. In addition, we plan a special session on the Future of DIS. The present status and prospects of these subjects will be discussed in the working groups, and summarized in the plenary talks.

Working Groups and Convenors:

The parallel sessions will be organized as working groups. All the participants wishing to give a presentation at the parallel sessions are requested to contact the convenors of the appropriate working group directly via e-mail.

Structure Functions and Low-x:
Jianwei Qiu (jwq@iastate.edu)
Un-Ki Yang (ukyang@hep.uchicago.edu)
Jo Cole (coleje@mail.desy.de)

Diffraction and Vector Mesons:
Valery Khoze (V.A.Khoze@durham.ac.uk)
Xavier Janssen (xjanssen@mail.desy.de)
Marta Ruspa (ruspa@mail.desy.de)

Electroweak and Beyond the Standard Model:
C.-P. Yuan (yuan@pa.msu.edu)
Beate Heinemann (beate@fnal.gov)
Alex Tapper (tapperad@mail.desy.de)

Hadronic Final States:
Pavel Nadolsky (nadolsky@hep.anl.gov)
Steve Maxfield (sjm@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk)
Claudia Glasman (claudia@mail.desy.de)

Heavy Flavors:
Gennaro Corcella (Gennaro.Corcella@cern.ch)
Andy Mehta (mehta@mail.desy.de)
Massimo Corradi (corradi@desy.de)

Spin Physics:
Krishna Kumar (kkumar@physics.umass.edu)
Pasquale Di Nezza (dinezza@hermes.desy.de)
Marco Stratmann (marco.stratmann@physik.uni-regensburg.de)

Future of DIS Session Chairs:
Uta Stoesslein (uta.stoesslein@desy.de)
Dave Soper (soper@physics.uoregon.edu)