Simulating the Full Chain of Many Events with CMS Software from Scratch#
- Simulating the Full Chain of Many Events with CMS Software from Scratch
- Setting up a version of CMS Software
- Creating Events
- Creating Analyzer
These are instructions for setting up your work environment and simulating many physics events by submitting jobs to the grid. Make sure you have followed the instructions on getting grid credentials first!#
Setting up a version of CMS Software#
This document uses the version 3_5_4, but subsitute that for whatever version you want. To see which versions are available to checkout into your directory:#
scramv1 list CMSSW
Put code into your
(if it’s not already there):#source /afs/
Open a new terminal (to load your edited
Create a work area for your version of CMS software:#
scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_3_5_4
Make an Analysis directory#
mkdir ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis
Go to that directory & set up your runtime environment#
cd ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis/ cmsenv
Creating Events#
Out of date - unless you really want to create events, most kinds of physics has been simulated and you just need to find the right dataset in DAS. Skip this section to learn how to Analyze events.#
Your configuration file of what events to create should be in a directory such as:#
You can use this exampleConfig.cfg as a template. Change the
section, at least.# -
Be in the correct folder and setup the environment#
cd ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis/ cmsenv
Get a valid grid certificate (make it valid for some number of hours)#
voms-proxy-init -valid 96:00
Now, run a script to farm out the jobs to condor. This script needs 5 parameters, for example:#
farmoutRandomSeedJobs AnyName 100000 500 ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/ ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis/exampleConfig.cfg
This will create 100,000 events with 500 events in each
file. You can find out more about this farmout script here.# Type
to see your jobs in the queue safe and sound. You can keep tabs on them that way.#-
When your jobs finish, your files are now all now located in a folder of what is known as HDFS,#
To delete, rename, or move files in HDFS you must first type:#
ssh voms-proxy-init gsido cd /hdfs/store/user/
command gives you a shell running as the same unix account that owns your files in HDFS. You can then cd to your directory and do what you wish with your files.#
Creating Analyzer#
Create a place for an analyzer program#
cd ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis/ cmsenv mkedanlzr SimpleAnalyzer
That creates an “Analyzer” directory with a few sub directories.#
Files were created in the above step, you need to replace/edit these files:#
~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis/Analyzer/src/ ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis/Analyzer/BuildFile
With what you wish. Note that will have code that is typically (in CMSSW) split into a “.h” file. For an example of some analyzers, see, QcdPhotonsDQM.h. An example BuildFile.#
So, just type
and copy and paste the contents of the new files I just listed.# -
Go to your Analysis directory and set up the environment#
cd ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis/ cmsenv
Go into the Analyzer subdirectory and compile your analyzer:#
cd ~/CMSSW_3_5_4/src/Analysis/Analyzer/ scramv1 b
Put simpleanalyzer.cfg into#
See the next section on running your Analyzer.#