The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a particle detector in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located near Geneva, Switzerland. The University of Wisconsin has an active team of scientists and engineers working on the experiment.
The group’s successful completion of the first LHC Run resulted in the discovery of the Higgs boson, thereby completing the particle content of Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics. The second LHC Run resulted in firmly establishing the SM-like Higgs boson and the beginning of the era of detailed mapping of its properties. Analysis of data collected thus far, operations of the third LHC Run, and the upgrades of the detector for the future High Luminosity LHC are our current focus. In addition to the detailed SM measurements, the group continues to be involved in searches for dark matter, exotic decays, exotic particles, extra dimensions, supersymmetry or whatever else emerges in the debris from the LHC’s record-setting proton collision energies. The electronics sub-group has designed, built and is upgrading portions of its trigger electronics systems. The computing sub-group operates one of the large university based computing systems for CMS. The UW group scientists, engineers and students based at CERN operate the trigger electronics and the muon detectors. The group is also broadly engaged in preparing for the future of the energy frontier physics, including studies of a potential 10-TeV muon collider in the US.
Group Members
Kevin Black, Tulika Bose, Sridhara Dasu, Matthew Herndon
Ph. D. Physicists
Pieter Everaerts, Camilla Galloni, Charis Koraka, Abdollah Mohammadi, Ajit Mohapatra, Laurent Pétré, Deborah Pinna, Alexandre Savin, Varun Sharma, Carl Vuosalo
Graduate Students
Ruaa Alharthy, Anagha Aravind, Elise Chavez, He He, Shivani Lomte, Abhishikth Mallampalli, Justin Marquez, Kyla Martinez, Susmita Mondal, C. (Bryan) Nee, Trevor Nelson, Ganesh Parida, Ryan Simeon, Taylor Sussmane, Dylan Teague, Mitanshu Thakore, Ameya Thete, Lael Verace, Abigail Warden
Undergraduate Students
Elias Mettner, Saketh Parella, Jenna Roderick, Nadia Talbi
Engineering Staff
Kiran Das, Robert Fobes, Tom Gorski, Aleš Svetek, Jesra Tikalsky
Sunanda Banerjee (Senior Scientist), Richard Loveless (Distinguished Senior Scientist), Wesley H. Smith (Professor)
Michael Anderson (Ph.D. 2011), Michalis Bachtis (Ph.D. 2012), William Badgett (Scientist), Yong Wook Baek (Postdoc), Austin Belknap (Ph.D. 2015), James Bellinger (Scientist), Mathias Blake (Engineer), James Buchanan (Ph.D. 2019), Cecile Caillol (Postdoc), Duncan Carlsmith (Professor), Maria Cepeda (Postdoc), Yuze Chen (B.S. 2022), Stephane Cooperstein (B.S. 2014), Isabelle De Bruyn (Scientist), Senka Djuric (Postdoc), Laura Dodd (Ph.D. 2018), Keegan Downham (B.S. 2020), Jonathan Efron (Postdoc), Kevin Flood (Scientist), Evan Friis (Postdoc), Bhawna Gomber (Postdoc), Lindsey Gray (Ph.D. 2012), Kira Grogg (Ph.D. 2011), Monika Grothe (Scientist), Ziliang Guo (Engineer), Usama Hussain (Ph.D. 2020), Matthew Jaworski (Engineer), Kenny Jia (B.S. 2023), Pamela Klabbers (Scientist), Jeff Klukas (Ph.D. 2012), Evan Koenig (BS 2018, Intern), Joe Lackey (Engineer), Armando Lanaro (Senior Scientist), Christos Lazaridis (Ph.D. 2011), Jessica Leonard (Ph.D. 2011), Aaron Levine (Ph.D. 2016), Andrew Loeliger (Ph.D. 2022), Kenneth Long (Ph.D. 2019), Sergei Lusin (Scientist), Jithin Madhusudanan Sreekala (Ph.D. 2022), Will Maier (Systems Programmer), Ryan Mahsem (B.S. 2022), Isobel Ojalvo (Ph.D. 2014, Postdoc), George Ott (Engineer – Deceased), Tom Perry (Ph.D. 2016), Elois Petruska (BS, 2021), Ashling Quinn (B.S. 2023), Steve Rader (Director of Computing – Deceased), Don Reeder (Professor), Ian Ross (Ph.D. 2013), Tyler Ruggles (Ph.D. 2018, Postdoc), Tapas Sarangi (Scientist), Victor Shang (Ph.D. 2024), Nick Smith (Ph.D. 2018), Stephen Trembath-Reichert (M.S. 2020), Ho-Fung Tsoi (Ph.D. 2024), Joshua Swanson (Ph.D. 2013), Devin Taylor (Ph.D. 2017), Marc Tost (BS 2019), Nikhilesh Venkatasubramanian (BS 2022), Marcelo Vicente (Engineer), Wren Vetens (Ph.D. 2024), Mark Weinberg (Ph.D. 2011), Nate Woods (Ph.D. 2017), Tae-Yang You (B.S. 2015)
ATTENTION: We are always recruiting new students interested in CMS research. Please contact Profs. Black, Bose, Dasu or Herndon. Note that there are also traineeship opportunities with the group (TAC-HEP).
Group CMS Projects
- Research Results, Status and Future Plans
- Endcap Muon System – CSCs
(PI: Prof. Matthew Herndon) - Endcap Muon System – GEMs
(PI: Prof. Kevin Black, Project Manager: Dr. Pieter Everaerts) - Level 1 Trigger
(PI: Prof. Sridhara Dasu, Lead Engineer Tom Gorski, On Site Manager: Dr. Sascha Savin) - High Level Trigger
(PI: Prof. Tulika Bose) - Software and Computing — CMS Tier-2 Center
(PI: Prof. Sridhara Dasu, US CMS S&C Deputy Manager Prof. Tulika Bose, Tier-2 Manager: Dr. Ajit Mohapatra, )
Group Student Training Material
- Introductory Papers on Physics Topics of interest to the group
- Unanswered Questions in the Electroweak Theory
- Higgs Boson Turns Ten
- Properties of the Higgs Boson Discovered at the Large Hadron Collider
- Searches for supersymmetry at high-energy colliders
- Dark Matter Searches at Colliders
- Indirect and direct search for dark matter
- Alternatives to an elementary Higgs
- General introductory talks on CMS and the LHC
- Tutorials for students joining the group
- C++ for physicists – Training Materials – from Charis (MP4)
- Unix command line tools
- C++ for particle physicists
- Scientific Python tutorial for particle physicists
- General Python tutorial, as CMS SW is driven using Python
- ROOT is used for data analysis. Access ROOT tutorial from main ROOT page
- CMSSW – a custom framework and applications based on that, which are used by CMS for simulation, reconstruction, calibration and analysis.
- CMS Data Analysis School – Pre-exercises (requires CERN accounts)
SWGuideCMSDataAnalysisSchoolPreExerciseFirstSet-CMS-TWiki.pdf (Use PDF if no CERN account)
Do the exercises on Wisconsin computers (login.hep.wisc.edu)! - Wisconsin –> CERN
Outreach & News Reports
Slide Show of LHC and CMS design, assembly and commissioning history + UW connection ( PPTX, PDF)
Research supported by: